১ টি Application শিখে ২০/২৫ টা Application লেখার কৌশল।
01.Character certificate02.Transfer Certificate
03.Testimonial Certificate
The Headmaster/
College /School/
Sub:Prayer For —————
I am a student of class ——–of your prominent institution. I beg most respectfully to state that my father is a Government service holder.He has been transferred to Dhaka. I have no kith and kin here.It is not possible for me to continue study here.that’s why I have to leave the town with my family.
So, I need a —–From you. I therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to grant me and oblige thereby
Your most obedient pupil
01.Financial donation. 02.Financial help.
03.Stipend from the poor fund.
04.Full free studentship
I am a student of class ——–of your prominent institution. I beg most respectfully to state that I have come from a very poor family. My father is a daily labour/Farmer /Rickshaw puller.He is only earning member of our family. My three sisters and brothers also read in your institution. It is more difficult for him to bear our educational expenses.My result in the last Annual examination is satisfactory.
So, I need a —–From you. I therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to grant me and oblige thereby
Your most obedient pupil
01.Starting a debating club.02.Science
04.Language Club
05.Stage a drama
we are students of class ——–of your prominent institution. we beg most respectfully to state that we haven’t any ——- in our institution.but
So,we are requested to you to open a…….
behalf of Class….
01.Arranging a picnic.
02.A Study tour
03.Visiting an important /Historical place.
04.Sending money for picnic or study tour.
05.An excursion.
We want to arrange…….
.we want to visit coxbazar. You know that mere reading can not fulfill educational thirst.we want also remove monotony and keep our mind fresh.we managed taka 5000 and we need more taka 5000 for our—–.Our English teacher will guide us. so we hope you kind consideration.
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