সংজ্ঞা : দুই বা ততোধিক sentence কে যে word একত্রে যুক্ত করে তাকে Conjunction বলে ।
Definition : A conjunction is a word used to join two or more sentences.
করিম সেখানে গিয়েছিল (Karim went there.)।
জামাল সেখানে গিয়েছিল (Jamal went there.) ।
বাক্য দুটিকে যদি যুক্ত করে লিখতে চাই তাহলে লিখতে হয় -
করিম ও জামাল সেখানে গিয়েছিল - Karim and Jamal went there.
এই and দ্বারাই বাক্য দুটিকে একত্রে পরিণত করা সম্ভব হয়েছে । সুতরাং and হল conjunction.
He is poor (সে গরীব) এবং He is honest (সে সৎ)
বাক্য দুটিকে একত্র করে নিচের মত করে লেখা যায় :
He is poor but honest. (সে গরীব কিন্তু সৎ) । এক্ষেত্রে but হল conjunction.
এরুপ আরও কয়েকটি conjunction হল : As, if, unless, until, till, while, lest, because, however ইত্যাদি ।
Conjunction তিন প্রকার:
a) Co-ordinating
b) Subordinating
c) Co-relative
a) Co-ordinating Conjunction: সমজাতীয়
word, phrase ও clause কে যুক্ত করতে ব্যবহৃত conjunction কে
Co-ordinating Conjunction বলে। যেমন- and, as, for, or, nor, but.
Examples: Taniya and Tahmina are two sisters. Read or you will fail.
Co-ordinating Conjunction আবার চার প্রকার-
i) Illative Conjunction: কার্যকারণ সম্পর্ক বা অনুমান বুঝাতে ব্যবহৃত conjunction-কে Illative Conjunction বলে। যেমন- therefore, thus, for etc.
Nobody likes him, for he is a liar.
He worked hard, therefore, he became successful.
ii) Adversative Conjunction: বৈপরীত্যজ্ঞাপক
ভাবের মধ্যে সংযোগ সাধন করতে ব্যবহৃত conjunction-কে Adversative
Conjunction বলে। যেমন- but, only, still, yet, however etc.
iii) Copulative Conjunction: দুই বা তার বেশি সমশ্রেণীর clause-কে যুক্ত করতে ব্যবহৃত conjunction-কে Copulative Conjunction বলে। যেমন: Karim as well as Hasib is well. He was both punished and fined.
iv) Alternative Conjunction: এ জাতীয় Conjunction দুটি ভাবের মধ্যে একটিকে বেছে নেয়। যেমন- Read well or you will fail.
b) Subordinating Conjunction: Subordinate
clause-কে Principal clause-এর সাথে যুক্ত করতে ব্যবহৃত Conjunction-কে
Subordinating Conjunction বলে। before, that, as, since-এর উদাহরণ।
i) Time বুঝাতে।
I shall wait till he comes
Stay until he returns.
I was busy when he called me.
Many days have passed since he met me.
ii) Effect বা পরিণতি বুঝাত - He works hard so that he may succeed.
iii) Cause বা Reason বুঝাতে - He did not come because he was ill.
iv) Condition বা শর্ত বুঝাতে - I shall go if you come.
v) Comparison বা তুলনা বুঝাতে - Rahim is taller than you.
vi) Manner বা ধরণ বুঝাতে - As you sow, so shall you reap.
c) Co-relative Conjunction: কতকগুলো
conjunction জোড়ায় জোড়ায় বসে। এদেরকে Co-relative Conjunction বলে। এ
জাতীয় Conjunction শুধু সমজাতীয় part of speech-এর আগে বসে। যেমন-
i) Both - and (উভয়): Both Karim and Rahim are friends.
ii) Either - or (দুয়ের একটি): Either you or your brother did it.
iii) Neither - nor (দুয়ের কোনটি না): Neither you nor he did it.
iv) So - that (উদ্দেশ্য বুঝাতে বসে): He took medicine so that he might cure.
v) Not only - but also (শুধু এটা নয়, ওটাও): He is not only a thief but also a liar.
vi) Rather - than (বরং): I shall rather starve than steal.
Uses of Conjunctions
a) and, if, but. because, or-এর ব্যবহার
i) and = used to join words or sentences (শব্দ বা বাক্যকে সংযুক্ত করে)
Rajon and Sajol are good boys. The day is wet and cold. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west.
He will go to market and buy a fish. Work hard and you will pass.
ii) If = on the condition that (যদি)
Take this book if you like. You cannot go to school if you are ill. Don't go out if it rains. She will learn if she reads.
Work hard if you like to pass the examination.
iii) but = used to join words or sentences of opposite meaning (বিপরীতার্থক শব্দ বা বাক্যকে সংযুক্ত করে)
I go to school but he does not. The knife is not sharp but blunt. My friend is rich but I am poor.
iv) because (as) = for the reason that (কারণ / যেহেতু)
I cannot write because (as) I have no pens. Rajon did not come because (as) he was ill.
He does not work because (as) he is lazy.
v) since = because, considering. (যেহেতু / বলে)
It is one month since I received the letter. Since you like it, I shall give it to you. I shall go alone since you will not come.
vi) or (অথবা/নতুবা)
Hasan or Mahmud will come here. Write this or that. Walk fast or you will miss the train.
b) therefore, though, although, when, while, whether, until, unless, till, that, before, after
i) Therefore = অতএব, সেইজন্য, এই কারণে
He did not work, therefore he failed. There was no milk, therefore, I could not take tea.
She has no money, therefore, She could not help me.
ii) Although = Though (যদিও)
He could not catch the train although he walked fast. He looks young though he is over 50.
iii) When = While (যখন/যে সময়ে)
Our lesson begins when the bell rings. We stay inside while it rains. He fell down while he was running.
iv) Whether = কখনও if (যদি, কি-না)
Ask him whether he came by bus. I do not know whether he walked here.
v) That (যে)
The teacher told me that he was ill. I know that he is poor. I hope that he will write to me. I am sure that he will pass.
vi) Unless = যদি না
They will not come unless I play. We shall not go out unless you are well. They will suffer unless they improve.
vii) Till (যে সময় পর্যন্ত), Until (যে পর্যন্ত না), before (পূর্বে), after (পরে)।
Please wait till I come here. Wait until the bell rings. We reached the station after the train had left.
The train had left before we reached the station.
c) both - and (উভয়ে), as well as (এবং), either - or (দুইয়ের মধ্যে একটি), neither - nor (দুইয়ের একটিও না), not only - but also (শুধু তাই নয়, বরং), whether or not (হয় বা না হয়), so - that, as-as, such as, as if (যেন), lest (পাছে).
i) Both Selim and his brother are absent today.
ii) The day was wet as well as dry. He as well as his father has done this.
iii) The day was either wet or dry. Either he or his father has done this.
iv) You have neither money nor men to win.
v) She is not only beautiful but also intelligent. Not only he but also his father will do this.
vi) You will win whether you have money or not. He will come whether his father comes or not.
vii) The stick is so thick that you can not break it.
viii) Please try as much as you can. I never ate such a sweet mango as this.
ix) He talks as if he were mad. You speak as if you knew everything.
x) He ran away lest he should be seen. Walk slowly lest you should fall.
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