

A Dialogue between Two Friends about Preparation for the Examination.

Myself        : Hello friend, How do you do?

Friend         : I am fine, thank you. Why are you looking so sad?

Myself        : Actually I am worried about my final examination What about your preparation for the examination?

Friend         : Well, I’m going on well my studies. I am also worried about my exam.

Myself        : But tell me about your preparation in different subjects.

Friend         : You know I’m weak in English. That’s why, I’m taking special care in English. I’m having a detailed revision in other subjects.

Myself        : Are you taking help from any special books?

Friend         : Yes but I study text books very carefully.

Myself        : I see. I must start working with the text books. What do you think?

Friend         : Yes. I think it’ll be very helpful not only for English but also for other subjects.

Myself        : Thank you for your supportive suggestion. I wish you good luck.

Friend         : You are most welcome.


Write a dialogue between two friends on the choice of career.

Alexi: My friend, John. What are you doing?

John: Nothing serious, dear. I am trying to solve this puzzle.

Alexi: Good! Does a puzzle interest you?

John: A lot, friend.

Alexi: Very good! I think you would become a very good engineer then.

John: Excuse me, friend! I don’t like machines.

Alexi: But you are so good at mathematics! I thought you liked engineering.

John: No, dear. I like physics very much. So, I want to study physics and become a scientist.

Alexi: Physics! What good would you do by being a scientist?

John: Well, I would become a scientist and research into the mystery of the origin of the universe. That would be interesting like solving the biggest puzzle. Besides, I also like teaching. That would give me the opportunity to work with more brilliant students.

Alexi:  I see the puzzle. So, how would you like to proceed with your target?

John:  I have forgotten to tell you one thing. I took part in a competition arranged by American Embassy. I became the first there and they have offered me a scholarship at the University of California to study physics.

Alexi: Oh! I see. I am really proud of you. You are a genius indeed. But will you be able to stay there alone?

John: I will really miss you, my parents and my younger sister. But I should avail the opportunity of my better future, shouldn’t I?

Alexi: Of course! Well then, go ahead to materialize your dream. May the Almighty fulfill your dream!

John: What’s your future plan?

Alexi: I want to be a journalist. I would like to study journalism in Dhaka University.

John: That’s great! May God bless you to achieve your goal.

Alexi: Nice to talk to you about such an important issue.

John: Now I have got to leave.

Alexi: It’s all right.

John: Then by for now.

Alexi: Bye.

A dialogue between two friends about reading newspaper.

Sujon     : Hello Sharmin! How are you?

Sharmin  : Thank you. I am fine. How are you?

Sujon     : I am also fine. Thank you. Where are you going?

Sharmin  : I am going to buy a news paper.
Sujon     : Do you read newspaper regularly?

Sharmin  : Of course. Don’t you?

Sujon     : Certainly. You know newspaper is called the store house of knowledge.

Sharmin  : Yu are right. Without reading newspaper we can’t know about the world.

Sujon     : They who don’t read newspaper remain frogs of the well. Because they don’t know the current affairs of the country and world.

Sharmin  : At the same time newspapers contains articles related to our study. They are very helpful.

Sujon     : Which section of newspaper do you like most?

Sharmin  : Certainly the study page. And you?

Sujon     : I like the general knowledge section and literary articles. Sometimes I send my writings to      newspaper.

Sharmin  : That’s very good. Newspaper up hold people’s view, too. I have to go now.

Sujon     : Ok. See you later. Bye.

Sharmin   : Bye.

A dialouge between two friends About environment pollution.

Sujon  : Hello Sultan. How are you?

Sultan : Thanks. I am fine. How are you?

Sujon  : I am also fine. Where are you going?

Sultan : I am going to the mayor for requesting him to take necessary steps against environment pollution.

Sujon  : Environment pollution has become a great problem in our life.

Sultan : You are right. Though environment helps us to exist, we don’t bother of it. We are polluting it indiscriminately.

Sujon  : People are not aware of it. They throw their waste here and there.

Sultan : Mills and factories are polluting the environment through their toxic chemicals.

Sujon  : Too much vehicles are polluting the air by smoke and fumes.

Sultan : Super tankers and human wastes are responsible for water pollution.

Sujon  : Farmers use fertilizers and pesticides for more production. But these chemicals get mixed with pond and river water.

Sultan : Every day we use million tons of fuel for cooking and other purposes. These are also responsible for pollution.

Sujon  :  But we cannot live without cooking food.

Sultan : You are right. But, we should be conscious of it. In most cases, we are not aware of the importance of environment.
Sujon  : So, what should we do?

Sultan : We should take care of our environment. It’s true that we cannot stop pollution for good. But we can lessen it.

Sujon  : I agree with you. My friend, I have to go now. Ok, see you later.

Sultan : Bye.
A Dialogue Between Two Friends About Tree Plantation

Sujon: Hello hasib. How are you?

Hasib: Fine and what about you?

Sujon: I am also fine. Where did you go yesterday? I looked for you.

Hasib: I went to the Tree Fair to buy some saplings. Tree Fair has been going on for last five days. It will continue for more two days.

Sujon: Who has organized this Tree Fair?  

Hasib: The Department of Agriculture and Forestry organizes this Tree Fair every year in all towns and cities on the occasion of Tree Plantation Week.

Sujon: Why do they organise this Tree Fair?

Hasib: It appears strange to me that you are not yet fully aware of the importance of tree plantation.

Sujon: Right you are. Please tell me about the importance of tree plantation. I want to know about it in detail.

Hasib: Trees are our best friends. Trees give us shade and shelter. We cannot think of our existence without trees. They are a great source of our food, vitamins, and furniture.

Sujon: But do you notice that many unscrupulous people are cutting down trees at random? What might be its consequence?

Hasib: If they cut down trees indiscriminately, the country will one day turn into a desert. The temperature will rise and it will cause green house effect.

Sujon: I think this would not be harmful if people planted more trees after cutting trees. But they seem to be very indifferent to planting trees.

Hasib: You are right. To save life and maintain the ecological balance of the environment, there is no alternative to tree plantation.

Sujon: Now I understand why tree plantation is so important. I think people of all walks of life should come forward to make tree plantation programme a success.

Hasib: Absolutely, let us make aware of our friends and motivate them to plant trees more and more to make our country a land of greenery.







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