

1.Benefits of Learning English: Paragraph (150 Words)

Benefits of learning English is so much. As you know it’s an international language and spoken as the first language in lots of countries and the second language in most of the countries in the world. If you are a business owner who wants to take his business out of boundary dealing internationally, you just need to have good English speaking skills.

You know the internet is full of English content and videos. Maybe there is not much information in your local language but you will find everything in English. So if you can read and understand English, it will be easier for you to learn anything from the internet.

English is a mandatory subject in the school and colleges that indicates the importance. So if you want to get a good grade and want to pursue your dream academic degree then you need to be better in English. There are many more benefits of learning this particular language.

2. My aim in life.

I am a school student and I have an aim in my life. Everyone should have a proper aim in life. A life without an aim is like a ship without radar. That’s why we all need to fix a good aim in student life. As a student, I have got my aim and I want to become a teacher in the future. I love to teach kids and that has driven me to become a teacher.

My parents support me a lot. They want me to become a teacher too. There are so many reasons for my aim. I know the teachers play the biggest role in making a good nation. If the teachers don’t teach the kids properly today, we won’t get a good citizen in the future. That’s why teaching is a serious thing and we need to take it seriously. I enjoy teaching kids a lot.

3. ৫ টি প্যারাগ্রাফ শিখে – লিখুন ১২৭ টি প্যারাগ্রাফ। তাহলে আসুন মজার টেকনিকটি জেনে নেই।

এই পাঁচটি প্যারাগ্রাফ শিখলে আশা করি পরীক্ষার যেকোনো প্যারাগ্রাফ আশুক না কেনো আপনে তা লিখতে পারবেন।

বি.দ্র:  প্যারাগ্রাফগুলো শিখার আগে প্রথমে প্যারাগ্রাফগুলো লিখার নিয়মগুলো জেনে নিন...?

১) যে প্যারাগ্রাফটি লিখবেন [TOPIC] স্থানে উক্ত প্যারাগ্রাফের নাম দিবেন।
২) ভাল নাম্বার আশা করতে চাইলে পারলে নিজ থেকে আরো বাড়িয়ে কিছু লিখতে চেস্টা করবেন।

প্যারাগ্রাফের নামসমূহঃ

1. Copying in the examination
2. Environment Pollution
3. Air pollution
4. Terrorism in the campus
5. Terrorism
6. Black marketing
7. Unadult marriage
8. Traffic jam
10. Hartal day
11. Road accident
12. Drug addiction
13. Dangerous of smoking
14. Arsenic Pollution
15. Brain-drain
16. Gambling
17. Dacoity
18. Anarchy
19. Bribery
20. Black money
21. Child labour
22. Deforestation
23. Acid throwing
24. Superstition
25. Corruption
26. Political chaos
27. Women & child trafficking /torturing
28. Toll-extortion
29. Population problem
30. Conspiracy

➫ [ TOPIC ] is a great and harmful problem. It is not only a common matter for our own country but also for the other countries too. ➫ [ TOPIC ] destroying our social peach and happiness. Day by day it is going out of our control which is very alarming. Keeping this problem we can not imagine our peace and happy life. Though ➫ [ TOPIC ] is very tough to remove this problem totally from the society but we have to try at any cost. Without removing this acute problem
people can’t get relief. Everybody wants a good solution for this problem. Beside govt. should come forward to overcome this problem. The law forces agencies should arrest them who are creating this kind of problem. ➫[ TOPIC ] is possible to remove by creating public awareness. So we should be more active to get better solution.

প্যারাগ্রাফের নামসমূহঃ

1. Bravity
2.Value of time
9.Glorious mind
21.Good manner
39.Moral courage
41.Common sense

➫ [ TOPIC ] is the most valuable and powerful element of our success in life. It enriches self- confidence of our
running life. If we want to reach of our aim we must attain such quality. It is need to have for mental faculty. ➫[ TOPIC ] can bring out reward for human beings. It is important to have ➫ [ TOPIC ] to retain the existence of human beings. Without ➫ [ TOPIC ] anybody can not achieve anything great and glorious. A man can lose his
prestigious life for its absence. Most of the
greatest persons have gained success by it. ➫ [ TOPIC ] is a kind of knowledge which thing no training can teach. ➫ [ TOPIC ] broadens our outlook. Therefore we should have this quality at any cost.

প্যারাগ্রাফের নামসমূহঃ

1. Dish Antenna
2. Satellite
3. Mobile Phone
4. Cellular Phone
5. Internet
6. Computer
7. E-mail/Fax
8. Electricity
9. Credit Card
10. Money Gram
11. Aeroplane

We live in the age of science and technology. With the help of science and
technology we have invented many wonderful things. ➫ [ TOPIC ] is one of them. It is the blessing of science for the world. Today we can enjoy various objectives of the world through ➫[ TOPIC ] . It brought the remotest places of the
world on hand. It has some exceptional power. We should use this technology properly. We can widen our knowledge by it in different fields. ➫[ TOPIC ] gives us lot of opportunities and it mainly influence more on young generation. As every things has its both negative and positive side so ➫ [ TOPIC ] has also two sides and we should use only positive sides which provide us useful knowledge.

প্যারাগ্রাফের নামসমূহঃ

1. Writing poem
2. Singing song
3. Keeping a diary
4. Catching fish
5. Jogging
6. A boat race
7. Collecting stamps
8. Traveling
9. Swimming
10. Gardening
11. Fishing
12. Boating
13. Reading habit
14. Playing chess
15. Jocking
16. Writing letter
17. Painting
18. Buying things
19. Flying kite
20. Early rising
21. Morning walk
22. Amusement
23. Buying books

➫ [ TOPIC ] is an interesting habit for stubborn life. By this kind of habit we can get rid of boring life. Everyone should have any kind of hobby. ➫[ TOPIC ] is the
shadow of life which gives us vast amusement. It can be a part and parcel of education and entertainment.Someone uses it for passing time.➫[ TOPIC ] causes
some problems sometimes if we are not concern on working. ➫ [ TOPIC ] refreshes us not only physically but also mentally. To sum up we should have any kind of hobby. It can be entertainment or education for us.

প্যারাগ্রাফের নামসমূহঃ

1. Hazrat Muhammad (sm)
2. Sheikh Mujib
3. A Virtuous Man
4. Rabindranath Tagore
5. Nazrul Islam
6. Mothr Teresa
7. Influence of a great man
8. Your favourite player
9. Moulana Bhashini
10. Your favourite person/Friend
11. Your Mother/Father/Grandmother/Grandfather
12. A great Politician
13. The teacher you like most
14. Your ideal man
15. My pride/friend

➫ [ TOPIC ] is considered as an ideal in my life. I like most him because of his wonderful activities beside his clear-cut and embedded character. His embedded personality could be impressed my
heart.For this reason he is my favorite person. His views on society, love of humanity and duty to the every steps attract one a lot. His clarity of mind, uprightness of thought,glorious,ideals and
simplicity of life make one his fan. I respect his creativity, speech and his responsibility. Man like ➫[ TOPIC ] is very necessary for the state. Everyone should try to build up character, morality and personality like him. It is impossible to be a real person without responsibility,morality, embedded character and lofty ideals. For the peace and happiness we should follow him.


Coronaviruses are mainly a big family of viruses that are highly capable of causing illness both in animals and humans. In the human body, several coronaviruses are causing respiratory infections. This infection can range from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS).

To date, the virus has taken around the lives of 3,000 people globally and the currently infected people around the world are over 90,000. The biggest problem with this virus is that it is spreading more than we have expected and the scientists have not yet found out any way to disinfect this virus. The scientific name of the most recently discovered coronavirus disease is COVID-19. There are actually no perfect initial symptoms of this disease in the human body. Sometimes it takes a longer time to detect the disease in the human body, though the presence of this virus is from long before. The primary symptom of this disease is cold, dry coughing, fever, tiredness, etc. for several days.

Some patients may experience nasal congestion, aches and pains, runny nose, sore throat or diarrhea. Though there is a full cure from the disease by proper treatment, a lot of people have died because of this disease at the same time. So we should all be careful and keep ourselves safe from this virus and disease. Coronavirus is first seen in Wuhan, China, on 31st December 2019, but it has already spread in many countries across the world. The virus is very deadly and it can spread at a faster speed than we expect or imagine. We can see the proof of its ability to spread at a faster speed if we look at the list of infected countries around the world. After spreading to some other areas of China, this virus has also spread to many other countries such as Japan, Korea, America, France, Malaysia, Iran, India, Italy, Germany, Spain, Switzerland, Singapore, UK, Hong Kong, Sweden, Canada, Vietnam, and many other countries. Several reports are showing that the number of Coronavirus infected countries is now almost 115 countries and territories.

There is not yet any vaccine, drug, or treatment invented for Coronavirus or COVID-19. That is why this is the highest tension point for all. So if anyone gets infected by this virus, he or she should receive care to relieve symptoms and if it results in serious illness then he or she should be hospitalized. Scientists are trying to come up with possible vaccines and some specific drug treatments that are now under investigation.

5.                              Tree Plantation

Tree plantation involves planting more and more trees to increase the number of trees that exist in the world. Trees are a great friend to humans; they help us in more ways than we realize. Trees are a boon or a great reward for us. When the sun is high up in the sky and its rays are too strong, trees provide us relief from it with their shade. Trees provide us with different types of fruit that are important to life. These fruits are also very tasty.

They also supply us with firewood as cooking fuel. Firewood also keeps us warm on cold days. Trees also provide wood for doors, windows, vessels, electric poles, furniture, rail slippers, boats, etc. We need wood to make any wooden item that we need. In addition, they also offer us rubber. Trees consume highly toxic carbon dioxide, and in turn, they create oxygen. Sufficient trees cause sufficient rainfall and prevent draught.

Without trees, we would not have rain, and our world would turn into a desert. If there is no rain, the country will face a major crisis as a result. Global warming would also rise rapidly. Tree roots hold the soil together. Trees are protecting us from flooding and several other natural catastrophes. Once again, trees keep the temperature from increasing. They are giving us oxygen.

If trees are planted along the roadside and coastal areas, they prevent erosion and tidal bore too. But for their selfish interests, many inconsiderate individuals cut down trees. So, we are losing trees at an alarming rate. Therefore, we need to accept tree plantation as a mission and plant as many trees as possible. The more we plant trees, the greener and more sustainable our world would be. Tree-planting is a must for the people living in Bangladesh.

Since we do not have as much forest as we have to hold the ecological balance. Therefore, by conducting numerous seminars and meetings, tree planting campaigns can be effective in making people aware of it. In addition, the government and the NGO should take appropriate measures to plant trees. In order to inspire people to plant trees, mass media such as television and radio will play a great role. Social media may also make people aware of this for that reason.There is no alternative to planting trees to make our lives peaceful. So, for our safety, we should plant more and more trees. Students should also take the initiative to plant trees in their schools or around their homes. This way we can make our world green and beautiful. If everyone participates in tree plantation, our world will be lush and we can sustain a healthy Earth for much longer.


Dengue Fever

Dengue Fever is a viral disease which is caused by the Dengue Fever virus and it is transmitted through mosquito bites. Mainly, Aedes mosquitoes are responsible for the transmission of this virus which can easily spread from people to mosquitos and from mosquitos to people. Once a person is affected by this virus, uninfected mosquitos can be infected while feeding on the blood of an infected person. After that, the mosquitos will transmit this virus to a different person and they will also get infected by the virus. After getting infected by the virus, it takes some time to show the symptoms. These symptoms can take 4-12 days to appear. In the meanwhile, the infected person will have high fever along with some other symptoms. These symptoms include severe headache, pain behind the eyes, Nausea, Vomiting, Muscle and joint pains, rash, etc. Once someone is infected by the Dengue virus and starts to show symptoms of Dengue Fever, immediate actions should be taken otherwise it can cause severe fever which is known as severe Dengue Fever and it can even cause death. To prevent being infected by the Dengue Fever virus, we all should take precautions beforehand. First of all, our environment should be kept clean so that it doesn’t become the habitat of mosquitos. Aedes mosquitos generally reproduce in clean water so we have to be careful about water storage places. In order to eradicate the reproduction of Aedes mosquitos, there should be no such place containing clean water for more than three days. Other than that, a regular street cleaning including removing the discarded water-bearing container and cleaning drainage on is very significant. City Corporation should play a vital role in cleaning the city areas to keep its inhabitants safe from the infection of the Dengue virus. If someone gets infected by the Dengue Fever virus, they should immediately consult with the doctor and take proper treatment otherwise it can cause death. It is also good practice to use mosquito net all the time to prevent the Dengue Fever virus. As Dengue Fever can be a severe problem especially in this season, the government should take necessary steps beforehand to fight Dengue Fever infection from spreading. Otherwise, the death toll can rise high which will be troublesome for our country. With proper steps, we can save people from being infected by Dengue Fever and decrease the death rate. It should never be taken lightly. 


Padma Bridge

Padma Bridge is a key arrangement to the broadened advancement of the southern region of Bangladesh. All the important aspects will be highlighted in this Padma bridge paragraph. It is a multipurpose road-rail across the Padma River. It is going to connect Louhajong to Shariatpur and Madaripur as well as the southwest part to the northern and the southern region of the country.

It is a 6.15-kilometer-long bridge with an 18.10-kilometer width. It will include a four-lane highway along and a single-lane railway. The bridge will have 42 spans in total with each being 150-kilometer-long and it will be able to carry 3140 tons’ weights. Moreover, the Padma Bridge will have about 264 piles in total where each pile will be 150 meters long and 120meters of the 150 meters from each pile will be underwater.

A new golden page in history has been started as soon as the construction of the Padma Bridge started. The whole project is funded with the resources of the Government of Bangladesh. The bridge will open new doors for the communication framework of the nation. Also, it will bring a progressive change within the life and living of almost six crore individuals living in 19 southern districts.

Bangladesh will see development in the regional corporation, industrial sector, agricultural sector, and many other sectors. The construction of the Padma Bridge will create a huge impact on employment reduction. The development in communication across the country will help many people to travel easily as well as the transportation cost will also decrease, creating a benefit to the general public.

People will be more eager to travel and work in different regions without worry, like before. Moreover, this bridge will also help in expanding industrialization, various commercial activities as well as transportation. All these will be of great help in reducing the unemployment rate and poverty as well as different governmental expenses.However, the most significant improvement that will take place due to the Padma Bridge is the development of the southern region of Bangladesh. Like many opportunities, facilities will come with easy communication and transportation which will play a major role in the overall development process.


Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease caused by a newly discovered virus named coronavirus. The spreading rate of this disease is more as compared to death rate. Till now in India, there are around 142k deaths due to this virus whereas the cases are around 9.77 Million.

This virus mainly spreads through droplets of saliva or discharge from the nose when an infected person coughs or sneezes. The infected people will experience mild to moderate respiratory illness and recover without requiring special treatment. Older people, are more likely to develop serious illness.

To protect from this virus, always wear masks at public places. Wash your hands with sainitizers.

Hope it helps. Stay home stay safe.




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