
Suppose, your father is a service-holder and lives abroad. He has wanted to know about your progress of studies.

Now Send email to your father informing of your progress of studies.

Sent: Sunday, 22 February 2017, 07:00pm.

Subject: Progress of studies.
Dear Sir,
Your letter is just to hand. I can’t but while you at once feeling your anxiety about my progress of studies. Our annual examination is going to be started from the 10th November. I have prepared myself well for it. It was a bit weak in Mathematics but I have recovered it by this time. I have already completed the whole course of my subjects. I have produced good notes on each subject by myself. Now I am revising those according to the sequence of importance. 

I hope to cut a good figure in this examination.
Your affectionate son 
Suppose, you are Sayeed. You have been promoted to the next class. Your class has started. So you need some money to buy new books. Now write an email to your father requesting him to send you some money to buy books.



Subject: Request for money for buying books.

My dear father,

Please accept my salam first. I hope that you are well by the grace of almighty Allah. You know that I have been promoted to the next higher class. Our new class has already started. That’s why; I have to buy some books for the new class. I need some 1500/- taka to buy the books. If you send the money by bkash as early as possible, it will be much helpful for me. Please pray for me so that I can build up a successful career.

With best regards to mother and love to younger brother and sister.

Yours affectionately,


Suppose, you are tuna, a student of class nine. Recently you have visited Paharpur, a historical place at Naogaon. Now, write an email to your friend, Kamal in Chittagong telling him about your recent visit to Paharpur.



Subject: Recent visit to Paharpur

Dear Kamal,

I hope, you are passing happy days. Recently I have visited Paharpur at Naogaon. It is a renowned historical place where I saw the relics of the great Buddhist monastery, an unparalleled religious, culture and educational Centre of the past. It bears testimony to our glorious past which adds to our historical knowledge.

The surroundings attracted me very much. If you were with me, it would be more enjoyable. You should pay a visit to pahrpur which will enhance your knowledge. What’s about Tapu?

Love to you and Tapu

Yours ever,


Suppose, you are Sonia, a student of class 9. Your friend, Momin wants to know about your aim in life. Now write an email to your friend about your aim in life.



Subject: About my aim in life.

Dear Momin

Thanks for your email. You have asked me to let you know about my aim in life. Of course, I have an aim in life. My aim in life is to be a doctor. There are many reasons for choosing this profession. The poor village people of our country suffer from various diseases. But there is no qualified doctor to serve them. They have to depend on the quacks. Many people meet with premature death.

So, I have decided to serve the people of my country through the profession of a doctor. After obtaining the MBBS degree, I will go back to my village to verve the villagers. Even I have a plan to set up a charitable dispensary there.

No more today, pray for me so that I may achieve my goal. My best regards to your parent. With all the best wishes

Your loving friend,







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